Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Secret Of Meetings: Uncomfortable Chairs

I have found this humorous book worth noting about, also because it has creative simple designs. Do you get this feeling whenever you have a meeting to attend to like.. oh this is going to be a bore? or when are we going to finish? or attending as a great excuse to add more sugar cubes in your coffee in order to "pay attention"?..Sometimes we have those feelings but sometimes we don't when we're serious.
"Fleeting Seating: The Slightly Uncomfortable Chair Collection", by creative agency Sid Lee, is a 28 page book showcasing how sitting in long meetings can affect you. Thomas Pelletier, the creative director of Sid Lee's Montreal office, realized that he was spending too much time in meetings, in fact, spending a lot of time in ergonomic comfortable office chairs such as the Aeron, made him realize a simple formula:

For the maximum efficiency of time spent in a meeting, remove the element of comfort from the seating.

I have to say that I agree when it comes to the "design", because of one of the things I have learnt while I was in school was, that sometimes designers create uncomfortable seating for different settings, lets say there are bench-seating in fast-food joints so that you shouldn't spend much time there, even in cinemas, the slightly comfy seating is created so that you could sit for the time period of the movie, then get up and leave.“I remember when I was a kid,” Pelletier explains in the text within the brochure, “there was a rumour – I don’t know if it was true - that at McDonalds, the benches were made so that you wouldn’t spend too much time there.” It was from that thought the idea for the Slightly Uncomfortable Chair Collection (SUCC) came. When it comes to design, its true..for efficiency!

These chairs have serious future potential, "I can see corporations buying some for their conference rooms and boardrooms- to make a point, a reminder to their employees", says Pelletier. " A fun read, hope you enjoy it :)

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