Friday, February 6, 2009

The statement seating that could..

From British Designer Elliot James Barratt comes his SYNC seating system.

" SYNC consists of a number of highly engineered cubes situated on gas springs finished with the client’s preferred material. When appropriate, pressure is applied, and the seat descends to reveal the arms and back rest regardless whether it is the middle or corner cube.

The seating can be arranged in multiple configurations with the least amount of cubes required being four. The minimalist design means it is at home in both larger scale living and design-inspired areas such as public spaces, foyers, hotels etc. The seating system is designed and configured to suit its surroundings. Whether a long line to fit a narrower layout is required or if the piece needs to work round corners of an interior, SYNC’s bespoke design can suit all.

Available with endless upholstery options, Base plate covers available in a range of different finishes and materials, upholstery shown in cowhide with base covers in mirrored steel.

Dimensions per cube 450mm x 450mm x 700mm (at starting height)"

~ From Elliot James Website

Fun isn't it? A great idea for a large lobby area, public space, hotels, conference halls, etc. :)

Check out his website for a fun promo video.

Via elliot james, contemporist

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