Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Avant-Garde Yayoi Kusama

In the spotlight is renowned Japanese Avant-Garde sculptor, painter and novelist Yayoi Kusama, cited by Yoko Ono as one of her big influences. Mostly recognized for the habit she began early in her career of covering a wide variety of surfaces – walls, floors, canvases, household objects and even naked assistants – with polka dots.
Here is her installation of "Gleaming lights of the Souls", described by her as vast fields of dots, or ‘infinity nets’, which are supposedly taken directly from hallucinations she had as a child. She approaches her hallucinatory approach with a new mirror room installation that immerses the viewer in the illusion of infinity.

Picture 1: "Gleaming lights of the Souls" at Liverpool Biennial International 08: MADE UP
Currently showing
Picture 2: Akasaka Art Flower 08. Past exhibition
Pictures 3+4: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam. Currently showing

Yayoi Kusama


iMaha said...

I love her work & I had the chance to be in one of her exhibits in Hong Kong

Keep up the good work dear, you have a great site :)

thirty1seven said...

Thanks alot!! :D Love her work too